Religious Education

 La Educación Religiosa (CCD)

The St. Rita Religious Education program is available to assist parents in the responsibility of educating their children in the Catholic Faith. Religious Education provides grade-level classes and sacramental preparation classes for children, grades 1 and up. In a classroom setting, children are taught about the Blessed Trinity, the Catholic Church, salvation history, and the sacraments. They are shown the beauty and truth of our Faith and are given the tools and knowledge needed to live that Faith in every aspect of their lives.

Please note that preparation for a Sacrament (First Holy Communion or Confirmation) requires two years of class participation, which typically begins in 1st Grade (First Holy Communion) or 7th Grade (Confirmation). Homeschool families must also register for Religious Education in order to be added to our sacrament preparation list.  Homeschool families will have the option to teach the faith at home, but they still need to be registered. 

Classes for 2024-2025

Registration has opened for the calendar year 2024-2025. Students in grades 1-12 are eligible to attend Religious Education Classes, which will begin in September and end in May. All registered families will be notified of our class schedule once it is set.  The registration form is available below and in our church vestibules.

If you are interested in serving as a regular weekly catechist aide (or substitute), please contact Sam Fortune, or 703-836-1640 ext.12.

Contact: Sam Fortune,; 703-836-1640 ext.12

Religious Education Calendar

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