All high school students (grades 9-12) are invited to join our youth group! Through service projects, talks, fun activities, and other events, our youth group strives to form our members into fun and faith-filled young men and women. We’ll participate in Diocesan-wide and parish-focused events, delving into the tradition and beauty of our Catholic community. Through our youth group, we hope to walk with our high schoolers to know, love, and serve God in this life so that they may be happy with Him in heaven!
If you are interested in joining the High School Youth Ministry, please fill out the registration form and email it to Maria Goitiandia at mgoitiandia.strita@gmail.com.
Thursday Youth Nights
We meet weekly on Thursday nights from 6 – 8 pm to grow in our Faith and build community. Open to all high schoolers. Weekly meetings will take place in the new youth ministry room in the old convent. The location may change occasionally. Check our Youth Ministry Calendar below for location updates. Youth nights will begin September 5, 2024.
Adult Volunteers
Interested in serving as an adult volunteer for youth ministry? No prior experience, talent, or education is necessary. If you’d like more information, please contact Maria Goitiandia (see contact info below).
The High School Youth Ministry participates in the Diocesan WorkCamp every summer (usually the last week of June). For more information about WorkCamp, please go to our WorkCamp page.
Contact: Maria Goitiandia, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, mgoitiandia.strita@gmail.com or 703-836-1640 (ext 38)