The St. Rita’s Young Adults Apostolate are young adults ages 19-35, in all states of life, who seek friendly mutual support in growing closer to Christ and living the Faith.

The St. Rita Young Adults Bible Study gathers every Monday from 7-9 pm in the St. Rita Convent to spend time with the Word of God. Every week we will divide into groups to read and reflect on a chapter of Scripture with time for fellowship to follow.
The St. Rita Young Adults Men’s and Women’s Groups gather every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 8:15-9:30 pm in their respective locations. Both groups aim to build up our community through formation specific to the hearts and minds of young men and women.

The St. Rita Young Adults Reading Group gathers every third Friday of the month to share in food and drink while engaging in Christ-centered intellectual discussion on a new reading every month. The readings vary from essays, short stories, Homilies, and meeting location varies month-month. Contact Maria Goitiandia if you are interested in joining the Reading Group.
The St. Rita Young Adults host a Potluck Brunch every fourth Sunday of the month from 10:30 am-2 pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share!

To be added to our email list and begin receiving information about social events, volunteer opportunities, fellowships, and more, please contact Maria Goitiandia at mgoitiandia.strita@gmail.com.
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